I'm home again for just a short time. My friends and I had a great 2 1/2 days at MQS. We took several classes and spent a good time in the vendors booth which we all supported very well. We all got new gadgets, threads, longarm supplies and books for inspiration. As always the quilts on display were just beautiful. Also a quick stop at Fabri Quilt for some backing fabric.
I'll be heading up to my daughter's to help her out for a few days. Her youngest son my 2 year old grandson is having surgery early Monday morning to get his tonsils and adenoids out. Poor little guy has been sick most of his life I sure hope and pray this surgery goes well and he will make it through it find.
The next grandson in line who is almost 5 will be graduating from preschool on tuesday so it will be nice to be up there to see him in his little cap and gown. Hope to get at least a few pictures of that.
Hope you have a great weekend, until next week soometime have a great one.
Just read this Judi, I hope that the surgery went fine and that he's feeling better. Made all the world of difference when my two girls had it when they were little.