Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving, Flat Stanley

First I want to wish all my US readers a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

On Monday when I got back home from the show in the mail was a Flat Stanley. This Stanley came to me from IN. My niece is a school teacher and is teaching her 3rd grade students about Flat Stanley. There is a little boy that didn't have anyone to send his Stanley to so she gave him my name and address and he wrote me a letter and sent me his Stanley. My dh is having so much fun with him. He has taken Stanley hunting, for a ride on the atv, to the bank, to Lowes and even out to lunch. Today I had him help me make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and also do inventory of my fabric. We will keep Stanley until the middle of Jan so don't be surprised if he is mentioned here again.