Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Shipshewana Quilt Festival

We made it to Shipshewana on Sunday and got checked into our hotel, it being Father's day we decided to go out pizza found a great place to go in Howe, IN the name of the restaurant was Howe Family Restaurant but they had the best pizza I have ever had out in a restaurant. If I hadn't known better I would of thought Marc had made the pizza it was just as good as his home made.

As we drove around the country side we spotted this little car in someone's front yard and pulled over and got a few pictures. Just look at the dolls driving the car so cute.

Yesterday we went to the Shipshewana Flea Market where we found a few treasures then decided to go to the movies and see Toy Story 3. It was a good movie for being a kid movie I recommend everyone to see it.
Today we got set up for the Shipshewana Quilt Festival. Today from 2 til 6 is preview and tomorrow and Friday the show runs 9-6 and 9-4 Saturday then we take down.

Here's a picture of my booth in Shipshewana, they give us one 8 foot wall and 3 foot side rails so only the one side to hang quilts but it did work for us.

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